Basic Skin Care Tips for a Vibrant Glow

Because we have yet to discover the mystical Fountain of Youth it's wise to remember a few simple skin care tips to maintain your youthful beauty for many years to come. It would be good if we can make time stop -- at least as far as our skin is involved.

The truth is that there are things we can do that are going to slow the signs of time and prevent them from telling the entire world the truth about our experience. These tips are certain to turn back the hands of time for quite a while to come. Safeguard Your Skin from Sun Exposure

TIP! Protect your skin by applying sunscreen or makeup with SPF 15 or higher. Wearing sunscreen not only prevents wrinkles, it also prevents peeling skin and sunburns.
Exposure to the sun results in heavy damage to the skin. There isn't any way to argue this fact. The sun is the most common cause of aging of the skin there is. You must do more than just avoid heading outside whenever possible though. It's also vital to wear adequate sunscreen whenever you go outside during daytime.

TIP! Use moisturizer on a daily basis along with a good sunscreen for your everyday skin care routine to help fight off wrinkles. Sun damage is a major contributor to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face.
Wear wide-brimmed hats and long sleeved t-shirts along with long pants and/or skirts for additional protection. A lot of modern fabrics are made to be as cool as possible while providing greatest protection from the sun. Try to eat foods that are rich in antioxidants in order to protect the skin from inside. When you have a diet that's well-rounded and consists of a daily infusion of antioxidants your body is better prepared to deal with many aging signs -- especially those resulting from the sun.

TIP! When taking care of your skin, you should ensure that you take care of your feet as well. You need to take good care of your feet, since you are on them most of the day.
Basic Skin Care Tips 101 -- Timing

TIP! Drinking plenty of water each day is key to healthy skin. If you are healthy on the inside, you will be more beautiful on the outside.
Timing is vital with your skin care routine just as it is with a lot of other things in life. In particular, it's important to moisturize your face right after washing it. The function of moisturizers is not to make or add fluids to the skin. Their purpose is to lock already present moisture inside the skin. That's a lot easier for it to do effectively if your skin is already moist.

Don't forget that this goes well beyond facial moisturizers and must be remembered for all moisturization activities. Certain parts of your skin care regime are best left to the time immediately before you go to sleep. Cleaning your face prior to turning in for the night is one of the most vital steps in the process. If you do not remove the dirt and debris found on your face just before calling it a night there's no telling what sort of damaging effect it will have on your skin.

TIP! Lip protection is often an overlooked duty in skin care. Especially in the winter months, the air will be very dry.
Next, your skin treats itself while you are in bed asleep. You want to be sure it has all the help possible by washing, toning, and moisturizing just before slipping off to dreamland. If you do this, your best face will be facing forward each morning. If you're interested in taking care of your skin then these simple skin care tips are sure to get you off to an excellent start.

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